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School in Balsiai
Location: Bubilo g. 8, Vilnius
Project type: Realisation
Project year: 2011
This primary school designed for 828 pupils is the first modern school that was built from scratch in Vilnius in the 20 years since Lithuania's independence. As the surrounding urban fabric has no cohesive urban concept, the new school was intended to give the area an unequivocal focal point. It is also intended to serve a broader function for the wider community after school hours and over weekends.
Article about school in Balsiai in Archdaily
1. ,,1/5 meter" award in competition "Žvilgsnis į save 2010-2012".
2. Award for best public building in competition "Už darnią plėtrą 2012".
3. Golden medal in competition ,,Lietuvos metų gaminys 2010".